If you find any errors not reported below, please let me know.
p27 - clarification: the log-likelihood is given for the logit.
p29 - last paragraph: n-s degrees of freedom not n-l
p30 - first displayed equation: right curly brace missing
p40 - the brlr
package has been superceded by the brglm
Also replace the brlr()
function call with brglm()
p41 - Nagelkerke (not Naglekerke). Nagelkerke R2 is only suitable for (ungrouped) binary response models. It could be redefined for use in the grouped case (as in the bliss example) but using proportion of deviance explained is a simpler choice to understand and explain to others. This proportion for the example is:
> 1-modl$deviance/modl$null.deviance
[1] 0.99415
p44 - missing parentheses in second displayed equation should be (1+(k-1)tau\^2)mp(1-p)
p52 - Q2 dataset is wbca
not wbcd
p55 - Definition of the Poisson distribution - should be exp(-mu) in the first formula, not exp(mu).
p57 - third displayed equation. Differentiating wrt beta_j gives... \sum (y_i - \exp(x_i\^T \hat\beta)) x_{ij} = 0 (where x_ij refers to the jth element of vector x_i)
p64 - second displayed equation: the second sum should go up to y_{i} - 1 , not y_{i-1}
p65 - Note that the negative binomial fits use a log link.
p71 - second para should read: "By examining the coefficients, we see that wafers without particles occur at a significantly higher rate than wafers with particles. Similarly, we see that good-quality wafers occur at a significantly higher rate than bad-quality wafers."
p74 - 3 lines from bottom: "log" should be omitted.
p78 - this plot make come out in a reflected form depending on the computer you are using due to the indeterminacy of the directions of the singular vectors. The interpretation is not affected.
p88 - 2 lines from bottom: "can be extracted"
p85 - "...age is jointly independent of smoking ..."
p86 - line 6, should be "... all three two-way interactions".
p86 - mid-page. The odds-ratio is 1.5333, not the log odds-ratio.
p94 - Q10 dataset is UCBAdmissions
not UCBadmissions
p102 - bottom "...can be viewed as a GLM-type..."
p112 - 3 lines from top: Unfortunately, the hazards are not proportional. An analogy to the second equation on p108 can be made, but then it would be log(1-gamma) that is proportional which is not the hazard in this case. The name of proportional hazards arises because the model is defined by analogy with a continuous response proportional hazards as commonly used in survival analysis, where the proportionality does indeed hold.
p115 - "...we are able to tackle..."
p121 - Subscript i's are missing in Table 6.2 for the Gamma and Inverse Gaussian distribution.
p124 - Spelling is jackknife not jacknife (and elsewhere)
p125 - First formula, the square root applies to the remainder of the term.
p141 - line 10, The SD for lognormal is incorrectly set. It should
be sdlog=sqrt(0.61102)
p146 - gmod <- glm(d ~ Method+Preheating..
should be
gmod <- glm(d ~ Material+Preheating..
p156 - "...standard errors can be obtained..."
p156 - End of second paragraph should read: "The idea is to find all independent linear combinations of the response, $k$, such that $k\^T X = 0$. Form matrix $K$ with columns $k$ then $K\^T y .…"
p156 and following: The lme4
package (and the underlying Matrix
package) has been changing since the preparation of the book. Some
differences may be observed between the current version and that
used in the book. In particular, recent versions of summary()
of lmer()
-produced models now do not contain p-values.
Please read about changes to these two chapters to
address this as well as some discussion of other inferential methods
that could be used.
p158 - "...this is a real concern..."
p161 - last but one displayed equation should have an alpha~i~ rather than an a~i~
p180 - last para, Scheffé not Scheffeé
p181 - Q4a degrees of freedom are no longer output so question is not meaningful.
p186 - To produce a corrected version of Figure 9.2, use:
xyplot(log(income+100) ~ year | sex, psid, type="l", groups=person)
p190 - second para, the standard deviations for the intercept and slope are 0.531 and 0.049. The residual SD is 0.684 not 0.46. (Numbers given are actually the variances)
p198 - first line 6.3% not 6.5% (twice)
p198 - line 4, 0.0179 should be 0.0174 (twice)
p198 One cannot see that the math scores are less variable than the english scores using the printed output. This effect is, however, visible in Figure 9.9.
p205 second para - "...the estimates for the GEE are about half the size.."
p212 (and following) - the variable name duration
in the
dataset has changed to eruptions
. It still represents
the duration of the eruption.
p215 - completely. (missing .)
p223 - should be "They are also orthonormal,.."
p223 - The wavethresh
package has been extensively updated. Some
changes are necessary to achieve the same output
p224 - The plots are now obtained by:
wds <- wd(exa$y,filter.number=1,bc="interval")
p225 - last block of code should now be:
wds <- wd(exa$y,filter.number=2,bc="interval")
p231 - line 13, should be "variables"
p235 summary(ammgcv)
is missing (needed to get output seen)
p248-249 Using > summary(lm(ozone[,1] ~ a$x[,-1]))
for the three
regression summaries gives the correct R^2^. These are more in line
with previous models. The printed version is incorrect because these
are calculated by R assuming there is no intercept when in fact this
is already included in the X-matrix. The newly available R package,
, provides a much better interface to mars
p250 - line 6, use predict
not predict.mars
p254 - line 12, ordered factor (not factors)
p255 - better to say "from 21,115 to 4114+5478 = 9592" for accuracy
p259 - Should use plotcp(roze)
for consistency with output on p258
p259 - post(roz,digits=3,filename="")
is better since it ensures
that the display uses 3 significant digits for the node means.
p261 - The entropy definition should not contain the 2.
p261 - Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie
p265 - Last para, should be xerror
not rel error
p282 - First displayed equation. LRT is minus the value given.
p287 - the brlr
package has been superceded by the brglm
p293 - Nagelkerke (not Naglekerke)
in place of..."